Headteacher's Welcome
Since its foundation in 1881, Langton Girls’ has provided students with a challenging academic curriculum, outstanding pastoral care and a wider educational experience that develops the whole person beyond the confines of the taught curriculum.
These three principles continue as our foundations to this day; we take pride in the work we do to support and guide ambitious, confident, independent and creative young women, preparing them for their lives to come.
Being a part of the Langton Family is not just about support, it is also about challenge. It is about working hard and recognising that through application and commitment we fulfil our potential. It is about the value of competition and making progress by learning from our failures, be them personal, scientific, creative or sporting, and using this learning to achieve future success.
The Langton Family also represents diversity; as a community we recognise and celebrate our differences, and through this develop deeper understanding and appreciation, becoming collectively closer and stronger.
We not only provide outstanding, modern, facilities, but an educationally rich and safe environment, one that encourages our students to make the most of the Langton Extended Curriculum, to challenge themselves outside of their classrooms, and to grow as individuals. We support them in pursuing different pathways, preparing them for the university places and careers to come, providing a base from which to build happy lives.
Please take some time to browse our website and find out more about us. We are proud of our school and what we do, I hope it is clear why.
And if you should have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Paul Pollard
Paper copies of information held on the school website can be requested from the School Office.