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Dress Code
It is essential that you adhere to the dress code. School is a learning environment and therefore a place of work.
- Shorts, skirts and dresses should be at least mid-thigh length
- Low cut trousers, shorts or necklines are not permitted
- Clothing should ensure that underwear is not visible
- Strapless tops and vest tops are not permitted
- Clothing should ensure that midriffs are covered
- The wearing of a hat in school is not permitted
- Flip flops and high heels are not permitted
The positive atmosphere of our sixth form is important to all of us, and the Sixth Form team do not want to spend time on clothing infringements. However, if you do infringe this code, you may be provided with clothing to wear in school and may be sent home for repeated issues.
Should any concerns regarding dress or appearance arise, the Assistant Head Teacher with responsibility for Sixth Form and / or the Sixth Form Pastoral Manager will address the concern raised with the student. The Sixth Form Team have the final say on issues of dress and appearance.
Lanyards must be worn at all times in accordance with health and safety regulations. Students will be asked for the cost of replacing their lanyard if it is lost. Students must use their lanyards to sign in and out using the Inventry system every time they arrive at or leave from the site.